Wednesday, 20 February 2013

What do beauty bloggers - "EARLY USERS" say about Romantaque?

 A person who has intention to close a deal, would always be looked at, as a ‘sales’ guy. Be it a thousand crore arms deal or a bunch of socks, at Rs 100/-, "रस्ते-का-माल-सस्ते-में" type offering. However, it may get unnoticed,  what you are getting is what you may need or want, may it be known to you, or otherwise.

However it matters much more, only when a friend of yours, says something that you have not seen, felt, or experienced. 

We would say it applies to Romantaque as well.

When you experience the relief and delight, you do not need any one else to tell you, how it is. (It’s a different matter to share the joy and new ways the other person has enjoyed the relief. :))

Here are some observations of beauty friends spread across India about Romantaque.
“My Experience with the product:

Before letting you all know my experience, I want to tell what 
is my hair growth type and all.I have very fast hair growth. 
But the thickness varies. I have thin hair on my legs. But thick 
hair on hands. On my upper lip and eye brows, the hair texture 
is thin.

Whenever,I wax off my hands, the regrowth appears on the 3rd 
day and almost visible growth by a week.Same with my facial hair.

So, I tend to get my eye brows and upper lips threaded once in a
 fortnight. Since a month or so, I used this cream and I am still 

“ ….I will be reviewing the first ever hair minimizing lotion that I have 
ever used. “
“I must tell you'll that after using it for just 10 days...there was a visible
difference in the regrowth of the hair. The right side of the upper-lip 
where I have been using Romantaque, showed lesser hair growth as 
compared to the left side of the upper-lip. Am so excited now that I'am 
planning to take the risk of waxing my arms and then using it there too.”

“The first time I applied this post waxing was about three months ago. As directed, 
I used it for ten consecutive days on my hands post hair removal. Initially I was 
apprehensive,  that it might cause allergic reactions on my skin, but I was quite 
surprised to find that it fared otherwise. It suited my skin and did not cause any 
untoward reactions. During the first cycle, I saw the stubs coming back after one 
month from the day I waxed, which grew fully after fifteen more days. So, it delayed 
my hair regrowth to over one and half months from the usual, within a months time.

I have a very fast regrowth cycle of hair be it eye brows or upper lips. I get fine hair 
coming again after 3- 4 days.. But after using this immediately the skin was feeling 
 smooth as if there is no hair at all. The regrowth occurred a bit late & slow.. yaayyy!!
I also tried on only the half part of my upper lip for the 1st time & left the other half 
without applying the lotion just to see if it really works. Yes it did work! The hair on the 
lotioned part arrived later & was finer! The I have also used it on the fore head & brow 
area (not on the lid) & it has shown a good result on it.

Although I would still say its too early for me to review the product, given that I 
have only been using this for around 5 days but I am kind of impressed and 
wanted to share my initial thoughts on the product.

I recently got my upper lips threaded and after 24 hours I applied a small amount 

of the Romantaque lotion on the upper lip area (I had done a patch test before 
getting the threading done – and yes it was a risky area to try out first because 
had it caused any allergies I would have been in trouble!)

I applied the lotion regularly morning and night and today after a week of 

threading my upper lip still appears clean. Normally I get a regrowth of fine 
upper lip hair within a week of threading. This time its clean! I must say that 
although I wasn’t very hopeful and was scared too, right now I feel happy. I 
am going to keep using this lotion and also try it out on my arms next.

I don't have coarse hair but the hair grows a bit faster. I would usually 
notice the new hair coming up within 3 days. Its advised to use this twice 
a day but i only use it during the night on well cleansed face. It sinks into 
the skin well without leaving any greasy residue or white cast. My skin 
feels baby soft after applying this. Also i have a sensitive skin, so i am 
usually skeptical about the products that i use. But this one is safe for all
skin types and did not cause any irritation on my skin.

As far as the product claims are considered, it does work. :) It did slow 

down the hair growth rate. After using this i observed that the new hair 
 growth started to show up very late that too fine hair started growing.  
So i was assured about the product and started using on my upper lip 
area(with out being too close to the nasal area)  and experienced similar 
results and i am really happy. I will just continue using it and see how it 
fares in the long run. : )

“ I tried it first on my under arms. It requires very 
less amount of the product to cover large area. It 
also gets absorbed into skin easily with no greasy 
feeling. It also didn't give me any kind of irritation 
and side affects. I was pretty happy that this product 
didn't give me any breakouts. I used it for 2 whole 
weeks and observed it working very well. :D Yes friends, 
after my first waxing done, I observed slow growth of 
hair. After I've gone for my second waxing done, 
believe me its already third week and I still have very 
less hair grown. I never expected this to work this way 
at all. I'm really impressed with it and thus thinking to 
use it for my arms this time. One more thing I liked is 
that it's going to come many days. :)”

They say a person says it aloud when 100 experience and feel moment on similar lines. It applies here too. These are just a few observations. Many users who have enjoyed the relief, do not host a blog or express joy in words.

Where do you stand?